Showcase: Warhammer Quest Silver Tower Tzaangors

Showcase: Warhammer Quest Silver Tower Tzaangors

Published 2021-01-24

Savage, avian beasts dedicated to Tzeentch, Tzaangors have been willingly warped into shapes and forms pleasing to the Architect of Fate. They watch and wait, with bestial cunning and cold intelligence, and when the time comes to strike they fight with a bitter strength, hacking with sharp blades and gouging horns. Eager to impress their duplicitous god, they fight with lunatic energies, hoping to be rewarded with further gifts of change.

Miniature Review

I think these were a brand-new race to release within Silver Tower. If ot I don't remember seeing any miniatures of them at the very least. They're a weird combination, part human, part beast, part bird and all Chaos!

It's always great o see something new, and I also love the armour. It's really detailed with unique shapes and even has some different surfaces to make for a fun painting challenge. There's even some room for some small amounts of freehand detail with the eye gems.

Painting Techniques


I used the same technique for the skin as I did on the Ogroid Thaumaturge, although I kept with the lighter range of blues as I wanted to keep them a lot paler.


The gold is the usual Retributor Armour with an Agrax Earthshade wash, then highlighted with Liberator Gold and a final drybrush of Golden Griffon. The silver was Leadbelcher washed with Nuln Oil, then highlighted with Runefang Steel and and final drybrush of Necron Compound.

The turquoise plate was given a base layer of Terradon Turquoise and a wash of Coelia Greenshade. It was then highlighted back up using Terradon Turquoise, then focussing away from the edges using Lothern Blue and Baharroth Blue. I then gave it a final layer of Ardcoat to give the armour a shine.


The bone is Ushabti Bone, highlighted with Morghast Bone, then given a heavy Agrax Earthshade wash, then highlighted again using Morghast Bone.

Robes, Spines & Gems

The robes were base coated with Khorne Red, then highlighted with Mephiston Red and Evil Sunz Scarlet, then given an Agrax Earthshade wash. Once dry I highlighted the raised areas back up using the two lighter colours.

The pink spines were layered using Pink Horror, Emperors Children and Fulgrim Pink then given a light wash of Carroburg Crimson.

The gems were given a Warpstone Glow basecoat, then highlighted up to white using Moot Green and gradually mixing in more white. I used Ardcoat once again to finish them off with a shine.

Instructions for the bases can be found here.


I'm glad to have finally finished the larger units now and can start moving onto the characters. These were really fun to paint with a lot of different colours. It'll be interesting to see if they release these miniatures as a wider range.
