Showcase: Witcher Ghoul

Showcase: Witcher Ghoul

Published 2024-02-16

Ghouls and graveirs are hard to describe. In part, they resemble humans - yet on the whole, they are the utter negation of all that is human. Though they have arms and legs like men, they walk on all fours like dogs or badgers. Though they have eerily familiar faces, one searches them in vain for any sign of sentiment, reason or even a spark of consciousness. They are driven by one thing and one thing only: an insatiable craving for human flesh.

Miniature Review

The ghoul has a great creepy pose, with bones jutting out from its back. The base really makes it, being covered in bones and with an arm either crawling out or looking to pull a new victim into its lair.

Painting Techniques


Plaguebearer Flesh
Reikland Fleshshade
Volupus Pink
Krieg Khaki
Deepkin Flesh


Evil Sunz Scarlet
Dorn Yellow


Volupus Pink
Screaming Skull

I then applied Blood for the Blood God in various places over the miniature and base.



Ratling Grime


Basilicanum Grey


Aggaros Dunes

Body Parts

Guilliman Flesh
Plaguebearer Flesh
Volupus Pink


Abaddon Black

For all miniatures in the set I'm using a mix of GamersGrass tufts and flowers.


This one I'm very happy with. I wanted a sickly skin feel with a lot of pink bruising and blood to give it a really gorey look. Adding Reikland Fleshshade over the Plaguebearer Flesh worked really well and is a combo I'll have to remember for the future. The dark moss and grass on the base really helped add to the creepy vibe, especially after adding a bit of Blood for the Blood God to them!
