Showcase: Space Wolves Swiftclaws

Showcase: Space Wolves Swiftclaws

Published 2021-05-04

Unlike most Space Marine riders, who use their bikes for reconnaissance, the Swiftclaws' main roles are demolitions and close assault operations. Blood Claws are by nature eager for battle, and many are so intoxicated with the power and speed of a Space Marine Bike that they demand permanent assignment to a Swiftclaw Pack. Swiftclaws are sometimes assigned to a dangerous mission that demands speed and daring, such as navigating a treacherous stretch of land in pursuit of a hated enemy, or to rescue a lost chapter relic ahead of a closing enemy force.

Miniature Review

So I'm not sure where I got these guys from, but I've had them for a while. The bikes themselves I think were just a generic Space Marine kit, so I had some fun kit-bashing with all my Space Wolves odds and ends, and they don't look half bad.

I prefer the bulkier look of the new Primaris bikes, but I think with these the marines become the real stars. Similarly to the Thunderwolves I positioned most of them with their weapons held high on the charge. They're well kitted out, and so they should be as I painted them with the yellow of the Wolf Guard.

Painting Techniques


The Fang
Russ Grey
Agrax Earthshade
Fenrisian Grey
Blue Horror

Fenrisian Grey is applied as an edge highlight and Blue Horror as an extreme edge highlight.


Karak Stone
Agrax Earthshade
Ushabti Bone
Screaming Skull

Ushabti Bone and Screaming Skull can be swapped out for Tyrant Skull and Terminatus Stone. For fur apply the shade more heavily in the center.

Bone & Fangs

Morghast Bone
Rakarth Flesh
Agrax Earthshade
Ushabti Bone
Screaming Skull

Alternatively use Zandri Dust, Reikland Fleshshade and Screaming Skull for a slightly different look.

Red Armour & Leather

Khorne Red
Mephiston Red
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Agrax Earthshade
Mephiston Red
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Wild Rider Red

Brighter colours should be applied where the light would reflect the most, or parallel to edges when painting pack markings on their shoulders.

Runic Stone

Mechanicus Standard Grey
Agrax Earthshade

Runes & Lenses (Blue)

Kantor Blue
Caledor Sky
Lothern Blue
White Scar

Lenses & Gems (Green)

Warpstone Glow
Moot Green
Gauss Blaster Green
Corax White


Bugmans Glow
Cadian Fleshtone
Reikland Fleshshade
Agrax Earthshade
Carroburg Crimson
Kislev Flesh
Pallid Wych Flesh

Agrax Earthshade is thinned down and only applied to the deepest recesses. Carroburg Crimson is applied in the recesses around the eyes and nose.

Beige Hair

Karak Stone
Agrax Earthshade
Ushabti Bone
Screaming Skull


Nuln Oil
Runefang Steel
Stormhost Silver

Power Weapons

Kantor Blue
Caledor Sky
Alaitoc Blue
White Scar

The axe and hammer were painted in quarters, with the base of the weapons painted the darkest blue, with white at the end of each weapon. To blend each adjacent quarter I mixed the two paints together and applied it in the middle. I then repeated this over and over, always saving a bit of each mixture, until achieving a smooth transition. A final edge highlight of White Scar was applied.

Weapon Casings, Seals, Tyres and Seats

Corvus Black
Mechanicus Standard Grey
Administratum Grey

Mechanicus Standard Grey is applied as an edge highlight and Administratum Grey as an extreme edge highlight.


Retributor Armour
Agrax Earthshade
Retributor Armour
Liberator Gold
Stormhost Silver

Cloth & Parchment

Morghast Bone
Rakarth Flesh
Seraphim Sepia
Ushabti Bone
Screaming Skull

Purity Seals

Khorne Red
Mephiston Red
Agrax Earthshade
Mephiston Red
Evil Sunz Scarlet

Screamer Pink, Emperor's Children and Nuln Oil can be used instead to differentiate from other reds.


Mournfang Brown
Nuln Oil
Mournfang Brown
Tuskgor Fur
Baneblade Brown

Yellow Armour

Averland Sunset
Yriel Yellow
Flash Gitz Yellow


I cast some Fantascape Glacial Ruins bases using Instant Mold & Milliput, then glued some sand around the edges, applying a second layer of watered down PVA to help it stuck.


Karak Stone
Agrax Earthshade
Karak Stone
Ushabti Bone
Seraphim Sepia
Screaming Skull
Pallid Wych Flesh

The Seraphim Sepia was applied in patches to give a dirt stained look.


The Fang
Russ Grey
Fenrisian Grey
Etherium Blue


Mournfang Brown
Agrax Earthshade
Tallarn Sand
Zandri Dust

Base Edge

Rhinox Hide
Mournfang Brown

Finally, I applied some Mordheim Turf tufts and then a couple of layers of Deluxe's Scenic Snow.


I don't plan to add many vehicles to the army, so it's nice to add this unit now just so there's a bit of representation there. Having some more Fast Attack options is also nice.

I used some weathering powers and went a bit heavier on the washes to create a dirtier look, as they would be travelling at speed through varied terrain. This helped to hide a few mistakes and tone down the bikes a bit, so the marines stay in focus.

I also tried adding a few basic patterns to the bikes to break up the flat areas. I wasn't the happiest with the results, but it should be easy enough to touch up in the future. I think they either need to be thicker, or I need to add a bit of colour to them.
