Showcase: Grey Knight Stormraven

Showcase: Grey Knight Stormraven

Published 2013-07-29

Here is my finished Stormraven. It's been near completion for a while, but I had some problems when after fully assembling and painting it, I decided I wanted to magnetise the wings.

Basically, I realised that with the wings attached it is extremely difficult to transport. I assembled it years ago before I really got into the hobby to the extent of ever looking at what others did online. Over the last 4 years I've become a lot more involved online and learnt a lot more hobby techniques. So basically I tried to break the wings off so that I could magnetise them, making it far easier to transport. Big mistake.

So basically I snapped both wings in the process in the worst possible place, on the thinnest point of the wings at an angle where they join to the hull. This is what basically led me to buy the Revell Plastic Glue I reviewed in a previous article. With a lot of applications and some support added with a small amount of Greenstuff, as well as a big touch up paint wise as the glue quickly melts any paint it comes to contact with. It now seems pretty strong, and I've not had any breakages like I was back when I was trying to fix it with Citadel Super and Plastic glue.

After all this work I also decided to add a further wash all round the model in the recesses and added a final highlight of Necron Compound just to increase the level of contrast on the model. Despite the major set backs I've had, I'm really happy with the final finish. It was great to have such large areas to practice my first real freehand designs on, and I was surprised just how straight I managed to keep the edges. In the future I hope to begin testing out different weathering effects on vehicles, but with this Stormraven I'm happy for it to be new our of the factory, or at the very least well cleaned up!
