This bouncing bringer of death is both a deadly combatant in his own right and a cracking commander for any army using loads of Mangler Squigs, Squig Hoppers and Boingrot Bounderz, keeping pace with the rest of your fungal forces and shouting at them to go even faster.
Miniature Review
Taking a break from the Stampeding Squigalanche box set, I managed to pickup the OOP Forgeworld Night Goblin Command Set. That means another Loonbosses on Giant Cave Squig!
I've always wanted this miniature, but put off buying it until I started my Gloomspite army back off again. When I said I wasn't fully happy with the shape of the Games Workshop Cave Squig, this is how I picture they should be. Much more squat and round but still with a lot of teeth and claws.
The armour on the squig is great and really makes it stand out from the rest of the army. It doesn't have the most detail, but it is covered in dents and scratches that makes it much more interesting than simple flat panels. The eyebrow panels are a great idea and help give the squig a lot more character.
The only part of the mini I don't love is the grot on top. I think the proportions maybe aren't quite the same as the new range so he has quite a long face and is fairly simply equipped. I much prefer the armoured grot on the newer Cave Squig.
Painting Techniques (Squig)
Squig Skin
All highlights are applied as a glaze. I also used a 50:50 mix of Wild Rider Red and Kislev Flesh between using the pure colors to help blend them.
Pink horror is applied first, then a 50:50 mix of Pink Horror and Kislev Flesh, then a final 50:50 mix of Pink Horror and Pallid Wych Flesh.
Painting Techniques (Grots)
Volupus Pink is watered down and applied around the gums and face
Yellow Armour
Magmadroth Flame is applied in patches, as well as Rhinox Hide to simulate chips. Dorn Yellow is applied to edges as well as under the chips.
Yellow Pattern on Cloak
Nuln Oil Gloss is added as a final step when the metal has been highlighted too brightly.
Painting Techniques (Mushrooms)
I applied a mix of flocks, rocks, tufts, flowers and plants, grouped below by company:
Games Workshop
Geek Gaming Scenics
Army Painter
AK Interactive
Gamers Grass
Finally I painted the outside of the base.
I tried not to spend too much time on this one, largely just trying to blow through the steps I've picked up from batch painting the larger box set. I really love how the skin came out and the armour looks pretty good, worn and dirty just like you'd expect with lots of shiny scratches. It's great that the two Loonbosses match on colorscheme but still look totally different.