I can think of few greater xenos threats to the Imperium than that of the Genestealer. An apex predator possessed of intelligence and cunning that rival our own, they exist for the sole purpose of reproducing in vast numbers and sowing utter chaos in their wake.
Miniature Review
To begin with I wasn't sure if I should paint these guys as Space Wolves, so I could use them in my main army, or paint them as Blood Angels as they are on the box. In the end I didn't think they really looked Space Wolfy enough, and I didn't want to spend time converting them, so I just went with the box to keep things simple and get them done quickly.
As with the Genestealers, these Scouts looks fairly dated compared to the modern Primaris marines with all the same hair cuts and similar poses. There's not really much detail on them either, which at least makes them easy to paint.
Painting Techniques
After the Wild Rider Red layer, mix Wild Rider Red and Screaming Skull 1:1, then apply a final Screaming Skull spot highlight.
Black Metal
Leather Armour
Leather Straps
After applying the basecoat I used Base Ready Scrublands and then added a few Verdia Veldt Tufts.
No airbrush this time but keeping with a limited colour palette really helped to make these guys quick to paint. I spent most of my time focusing on highlighting where the light hits their armour rather than just edge highlighting for the first time. I think I went a bit overboard with how bright I made it in areas, but I really like the effect and will keep practicing it in the future.
They're maybe a little brighter than I would normally like, but having miniatures I'm not a massive fan of let me try out some new techniques that I wouldn't normally risk, so in the end painting them was a really useful experience!