Showcase: Witcher Hounds of the Wild Hunt

Showcase: Witcher Hounds of the Wild Hunt

Published 2024-02-23

Baying at the heels of the Wild hunt are its Hounds, fierce beasts which follow it like dust clouds trailing after a comet. Hushed legends speak of them losing their way at times and descending from the night sky to earth, cold and death following in their wake.

Miniature Review

These look just like the artwork, they look just like big chunks of ice grown over the top of a wild beast. I've not looked into the rules yet to know why they are six of them when there is only one of every other monster, but I like there being varying numbers of them on each base and how they're crawling over each other.

Painting Techniques


Pylar Glacier
Drakenhof Nightshade
Etherium Blue
Praxeti White
Pylar Glacier


Evil Sunz Scarlet
Dorn Yellow



Ratling Grime


Space Wolves Grey


Abaddon Black

For all miniatures in the set I'm using a mix of GamersGrass tufts and flowers.


The Pylar Glacier paint really didn't give me the coverage I wanted, and the Drakenhof Nightshade shade dried a lot darker than I was hoping. I might have been better using Aethermatic Blue and Tyran Blue to get a nicer blue ice effect, but I managed to salvage them with some heavy drybrushing.

I'm not sure if I ruined them a bit by painting the eyes. I felt like they needed some detail, and although I wanted to paint them blue I didn't think they would stand out, so went with how i'd done others. I think they contrast a bit too much but it does make them easy to spot at least.
