Showcase: Wolf Guard Terminators

Showcase: Wolf Guard Terminators

Published 2022-05-22

Every Space Wolves warrior dreams of a place in the Wolf Guard. To be a member of this select brotherhood is to wield the very deadliest weapons of war while serving as the personal guard of their Wolf Lord.

Clad in hulking suits of sacred Terminator armour, Wolf Guard Terminators are a brotherhood of nigh-invulnerable champions, each eager to dispense his own particular brand of death.

Miniature Review

The whole reason I got into Warhammer back in the 90s was because of the old Space Wolf and Grey Knight Terminators. In fact, here's a photo from over 10 years ago of the unit I painted a good 10 years or more before that.

Old Terminators

Now for Space Wolves, I always associated Terminators with heavy hitting close combat units. Sure they can be great for supplying the ranged support Space Wolves sometimes need, but deep striking into the heart of the enemy line and smashing units apart up close is what it's all about.

For that reason I've created two units, one with thunder hammers and storm shields, and this unit with wolf claws. I love the poses you can get with just a bit of adjustment to the arms. I think the leader of this unit is probably my new favorite badass painted miniature. He's an absolute unit and with that patch looks a bit like a space pirate!

Painting Techniques


Russ Grey
Agrax Earthshade
Russ Grey
Fenrisian Grey
Blue Horror

Skin & Eyes

Bugmans Glow
Cadian Fleshtone
Reikland Fleshshade
Agrax Earthshade
Bugmans Glow
Cadian Fleshtone
Kislev Flesh
Carroburg Crimson
Druchii Violet
Grey Seer
Corvus Black

Black Hair

Corvus Black
Eshin Grey
Mechanicus Standard Grey
Administratum Grey
Nuln Oil


Corvus Black
Eshin Grey
Mechanicus Standard Grey
Administratum Grey
Nuln Oil

Weapon Casings & Seals

Corvus Black
Eshin Grey
Mechanicus Standard Grey
Administratum Grey
Nuln Oil

Red Armour

Khorne Red
Mephiston Red
Agrax Earthshade
Mephiston Red
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Wild Rider Red

Red Leather

Word Bearers Red
Wazdakka Red
Agrax Earthshade
Khorne Red
Mephiston Red
Evil Sunz Scarlet

Purity Seals

Khorne Red
Mephiston Red
Agrax Earthshade
Khorne Red
Mephiston Red
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Wild Rider Red

Yellow Armour

Averland Sunset
Agrax Earthshade
Yriel Yellow
Flash Gitz Yellow

Yellow Leather

Averland Sunset
Agrax Earthshade
Yriel Yellow
Flash Gitz Yellow

Bone & Fangs

Karak Stone
Agrax Earthshade
Morghast Bone
Ushabti Bone
Screaming Skull

Cloth & Parchment

Morghast Bone
Rakarth Flesh
Seraphim Sepia
Ushabti Bone
Screaming Skull


Mournfang Brown
Nuln Oil
Mournfang Brown
Steel Legion Drab

Runic Stone

Mechanicus Standard Grey
Agrax Earthshade
Administratum Grey


White Scar
Lothern Blue
Teclis Blue
Caledor Sky


Warpstone Glow
Agrax Earthshade
Warpstone Glow
Moot Green
Gauss Blaster Green

Power Weapons

Thousand Sons Blue
Ahriman Blue
Temple Guard Blue
Baharroth Blue
White Scar


Agrax Earthshade
Nuln Oil
Iron Hands Steel
Runefang Steel
Stormhost Silver


Retributor Armour
Agrax Earthshade
Retributor Armour
Liberator Gold
Stormhost Silver


I cast some Fantascape Glacial Ruins bases using Instant Mold & Milliput, then glued some sand around the edges, applying a second layer of watered down PVA to help it stuck.


Karak Stone
Agrax Earthshade
Karak Stone
Ushabti Bone
Seraphim Sepia
Screaming Skull
Pallid Wych Flesh

I applied the Seraphim Sepia applied in patches to give a dirt stained look.


The Fang
Russ Grey
Fenrisian Grey
Etherium Blue


Mournfang Brown
Agrax Earthshade
Tallarn Sand
Zandri Dust

Base Edge

Rhinox Hide
Mournfang Brown

Finally, I applied some Mordheim Turf tufts and then a couple of layers of Deluxe's Scenic Snow.


I went with a similar style to how I painted the Centurions and once again I really like the effect. The extra brightness and contrast really makes them stand out at a distance.

I wanted to darken them down a bit to other units so painted all the pelts black rather than the usual beige. Using the yellow rather than red for the leather helps add the extra spot colour that neatly matches the chapter icon.

For the claws I normally use more pure blues, but this time I went with more turquoise blues to more closely resemble ice. I think I need a darker colour at the base next time, but blending them was much easier than my usual mix. The slight colour difference gives them a more chilling effect compared to the other power weapons I've painted, so it's definitely a keeper!
