Showcase: Enscrolled Armoury

Showcase: Enscrolled Armoury

Published 2022-04-17

An impressive pile of shields, swords, hammers and axes.

Miniature Review

Where can you go wrong with a huge pile of swords and shields? It's a cool idea with a decent mix of axes, swords, daggers, spears and hammers. Some are fairly plain, some have gems and others are adorned with runes.

The shields are a nice touch, as they allow for some big blocks of colour to break up the metals.

Painting Techniques


Nuln Oil
Runefang Steel
Necron Compound


Retributor Armour
Agrax Earthshade
Retributor Armour
Liberator Gold
Stormhost Silver


Retributor Armour
Agrax Earthshade
Castellax Bronze
Sycorax Bronze


Black Templar


Mephiston Red
Agrax Earthshade
Mephiston Red
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Wild Rider Red


Kantor Blue
Agrax Earthshade
Kantor Blue
Altdorf Guard Blue
Teclis Blue

Green Plates

Waaagh Flesh
Agrax Earthshade
Warpstone Glow
Warboss Green


Corax White
Spiritstone Red
Soulstone Blue
Waystone Green
Corax White


Corax White
Agrax Earthshade
Corax White


The more I painted the more weapons I kept seeming to find. I tried to switch up the brightness of the steel on every few weapons to create some variety, as well as using a few different colours for the shields. I then brought it altogether with an Agrax Earthshade wash, then after a good highlight adding a few more dots of colour on the gems to break it up further.

Overall there's still a lot of silver and red, but I think there's enough to make it interesting when looking around the circle of weapons.
