Showcase: Madcap Shaman

Showcase: Madcap Shaman

Published 2023-05-21

Madcap Shamans caper into battle, chanting and jabbering madly. These Moonclan wizards enhance their magical abilities by stuffing madcap mushrooms into their gobs, eyes crackling with power as they channel the Gloomspite to conjure unnatural darkness and deadly magical attacks.

Miniature Review

The last of the Forgeworld Night Goblin Command Set is this Madcap Shaman. The magic smoke lifting him up is a great idea as it gives him some height on the battlefield, as does the moon shooting out of his mouth. It also helps to add some extra color to the miniature, showing him off as a spellcaster.

There's also some nice smaller details, like the mushroom falling out of his hand and the various trinkets scattered over the staff.

Painting Techniques


Gutrippa Flesh
Biel Tan Green
Warboss Green
Orruk Flesh
Ogryn Camo
Skarsnik Green
Volupus Pink
Kislev Flesh

Volupus Pink is watered down and applied around the gums and face

Smoke & Eyes

Celestium Blue
Nuln Oil
Kantor Blue
Caledor Sky
Thousand Sons Blue
Ahriman Blue
Temple Guard Blue
Baharroth Blue
White Scar


White Scar
Bad Moon Yellow
Nazdreg Yellow
Yriel Yellow
Flash Gitz Yellow
Phalanx Yellow
Dorn Yellow

Yellow Pattern on Cloak

Averland Sunset
Yriel Yellow
Phalanx Yellow


Black Legion
Thunderhawk Blue
Russ Grey
Fenrisian Grey


Steel Legion Drab
Tallarn Sand


Snakebite Leather
Agrax Earthshade
Skrag Brown

Rope & Skulls

Aggaros Dunes
Agrax Earthshade
Rakarth Flesh
Morghast Bone


Wild Rider Red
Troll Slayer Orange
Fire Dragon Bright


Iron Hands Steel
Agrax Earthshade
Grey Knights Steel
Stormhost Silver
Nuln Oil Gloss

Nuln Oil Gloss is added as a final step when the metal has been highlighted too brightly.


Hashut Copper
Agrax Earthshade
Fulgurite Copper
Stormhost Silver

Painting Techniques (Mushrooms)


Aggaros Dunes
Morghast Bone
Screaming Skull


Doomfire Magenta
Wild Rider Red
Pink Horror
Kislev Flesh


I added some cork for rock, then applied a mix of flocks, rocks, tufts, flowers and plants, grouped below by company:

Geek Gaming Scenics

Army Painter

Finally I painted the outside of the base.

Gore Grunta Fur
Rhinox Hide


I'm really happy with how the smoke came out. It's really vibrant and the transition from the blue to the yellow moon actually worked out well without turning green. Beyond that it's a fairly simple paint job but looks great.
