Showcase: Warhammer Quest Silver Tower Knight Questor

Showcase: Warhammer Quest Silver Tower Knight Questor

Published 2021-02-22

Borne into war by shimmering bolts of divine lightning, the Stormcast Eternals are warriors of vengenace. Forged by the god-king Sigmar into living weapons against the power of Chaos, some of these soldiers of the heavens are notable even amongst their shining brethren for their heroic deeds – these champions become known as a Knight-Questor. Vowing to stand as a shield between the denizens of the mortal realms and the predatory horrors of Chaos, they undertake great quests in Sigmar’s name in order to find and retrieve powerful artefacts that might swing the tide of battle toward Order.

Miniature Review

This is the first Sigmarine I've seen in person and actually it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I think there's just enough differentiation between its armour and regular Space Marine armour that it doesn't look out of place in a fantasy setting.

The miniature itself is similar to the Warpriest. There's not a huge amount of detail, and the details that are in it are large. This means a lot of contrast is needed to give it some interest. I appreciate the cutouts for the runes on the scrolls as even now my freehand text is awful and something I really want to improve.

Painting Techniques


Nuln Oil
Runefang Steel
Necron Compound


Retributor Armour
Agrax Earthshade
Retributor Armour
Liberator Gold


Khorne Red
Mephiston Red
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Agrax Earthshade
Mephiston Red
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Wild Rider Red


Morghast Bone
Rakarth Flesh
Agrax Earthshade
Seraphim Sepia
Ushabti Bone
Screaming Skull

The Agrax Earthshade was applied to the recesses, while the Seraphim Sepia was applied as a thin layer all over.

Cloth (Blue)

Kantor Blue
Altdorf Guard Blue
Teclis Blue
Drakenhof Nightshade
Nuln Oil
Teclis Blue
Lothern Blue
Corax White

When applying the Altdorf Guard Blue, leave the deepest recesses Kantor Blue. Repeat this for the Teclis Blue. Apply the Drakenhof Nightshade over everything to help blend the colours together, then focus the Nuln Oil in the recesses to add further contrast.

The Teclis Blue was applied to the raised and flat areas, while the Lothern Blue was applied on the sharp edges with a very thin layer of Corax White along the middle of the sharpest edges.

Cloth (White)

Corax White
Seraphim Sepia
Drakenhof Nightshade
Corax White

The Seraphim Sepia was heavily thinned and focussed around recesses, while the Drakenhof Nightshade was used to help blend with blue cloth.

Instructions for the bases can be found here.


I think I went a bit overboard on the highlighting of blue cloak as it doesn't really look natural. Having said that though I really like the result, and it really makes the character pop.

I'm also surprised how well the armour came out. After the basecoat and initial shade I didn't spend a huge amount of time highlighting it as it looked pretty great already. I was more liberal with my use of Munitorum Varnish this time and it looks better, but sadly the gold did lose a bit of its shine.
