It is said of the Doomseeker that his axe scorches the air with every swing, that he spits glowing cinders with every war cry, and that the wrath of the forge burns in his glare. This is no dishonourable mercenary, but a religious crusader whose word is his bond.
Miniature Review
When it comes to dwarfs I've always liked slayers. I always think back to the old Toll and Giant slayers. Half looking fearsome, while the other half look terrified. My favorite was always the dwarf trying to peer up high into the sky to see his giant opposition in the face.

Looking back at those miniatures things really have come a long way. The length of the hair helps prevent him looking too small when compared to the rest of the party, and along with his beard and runes on his back gives a lot of opportunity to add some colour.
Painting Techniques
Hair (Red)
Hair (Orange)
Apply Carroburg Crimson in the recesses around the eyes and nose.
The final layer was heavily thinned.
For the runes I followed the gold steps above, and then completed the fire steps backwards. I washed with thinned down orange, then with yellow and then added a Flash Gitz Yellow layer with a touch of white in the brightest spots.
Instructions for the bases can be found here.
It wasn't too dissimilar painting the Fyreslayer compared to the Darkoath Chieftain. They compliment each other, despite the dwarf being painted with a much warmer palette. I'm happy with the torch in the axe, a reminder back to the original game where you had to decide who was going to be the torch-bearer throughout the dungeon exploration.