Showcase: Blackstone Fortress: Janus Draik

Showcase: Blackstone Fortress: Janus Draik

Published 2023-01-22

Janus Draik is a Rogue Trader, renowned duelist, diplomat, Xenologist, and captain of the Draikstar.

Draik has pushed forward the Imperium's boundaries in the Segmentum Pacificus for decades. Exploring the unchartered regions outside Imperial Space, he searches for rare commodities to sell to Humanity's ruling elite. His preferred method of acquiring new worlds involves appealing to the interests of their greedy and self-important rulers by plying them with exotic riches and aged amasec aboard his opulent shuttle, Vanguard.

Miniature Review

Janus Draik has to be my favorite miniature of the box. I'm not sure if there's ever been a Rogue Trader miniature before, but he's bang on what I expected. He has the silhouette of an Inquisitor, but is dressed far more flamboyantly with much lighter armour.

The massive shirt collar and jacket cuffs really help highlight his wealth and the gigantic pelt on his back is obviously there to invoke fear during negotiations. I would have liked to see a few more interesting trinkets hanging from his belt over the dagger and gun, but those items do help with his regal tone.

Painting Techniques


Kantor Blue
Nuln Oil
Kantor Blue
Alaitoc Blue

Coat (Inside)

Mephiston Red
Agrax Earthshade
Wild Rider Red
Fire Dragon Bright


The Fang
Nuln Oil
Russ Grey
Fenrisian Grey
Abaddon Black

Thin Abaddon Black down to create the stripes.

Shirt, Scabbard & Collar

Screamer Pink
Nuln Oil
Pink Horror
Cadian Fleshtone

Brown Leather

Rhinox Hide
Nuln Oil
Gorthor Brown
Baneblade Brown


Cadian Fleshtone
Reikland Fleshshade
Kislev Flesh
Pallid Wych Flesh

Black Leather & Hair

Abaddon Black
Thunderhawk Blue
Fenrisian Grey


Nuln Oil
Stormhost Silver


Retributor Armour
Reikland Fleshshade
Stormhost Silver

Pelt & Pipe

Rakarth Flesh
Seraphim Sepia
Reikland Fleshshade
Agrax Earthshade
Rakarth Flesh

Pelt Face

Druchii Violet
Pallid Wych Flesh


Ulthuan Grey
Druchii Violet
Ulthuan Grey
Pallid Wych Flesh


I mixed sand with glue and applied it to the base. I then drybrushed it with Eshin Grey, then Mechanicus Standard Grey. I then painted the outer base with Rhinox Hide.


I followed a tutorial from Games Workshop for painting Janus. There's a few areas like the cloak, shirt and trousers I likely would have used contrast paints to save time otherwise, but it was an interesting process. I always feel like I learn more when following tutorials online, like thinning down the black to make the stripes. Adding some purple to the pelts face was also a nice touch.
