The Essentials set are our go-to paints that we use in nearly every project from world shattering titans to humble goblins. It solves that problem and is the set we'd recommend to every hobbyist whether you're a grizzled painting veteran or someone ready to dive into your first project.
Miniature Review
I chose to paint the dwarf last as it didn't have the amount of OSL or NMM on it that I really wanted to try out.
The sculpt itself is fairly simple, but as with the others has a good range of textures and details to test out the paints in the set out. The face is really well sculpted, being the focal point on the miniature, and the log is nicely done too.
Painting Techniques
Rather than list all the paints I used I'll point to the tutorials I followed. All paints were from the Squidmar sets.
Non Metallic Gold
I think the skin came out really well, and the red glaze at the end added a lot of character to the piece. The log came out pretty well too, although I'm not sure about the freehand vines on it. The tutorials didn't say how to paint the base so I just went with a similar look to the previous two and I think it really helped with the woodland feel.
Overall I'm glad I bought the paint sets and got to practice a few new techniques with some different paints. I really need to paint this way more often, not worrying about keeping miniatures consistent and just trying out techniques to learn and improve. Hopefully I can do this with some of my odd projects like HeroQuest and other boxed games.