Showcase: Space Wolves Fenrisian Wolves

Showcase: Space Wolves Fenrisian Wolves

Published 2021-04-29

The wolves of Fenris are legendary beasts whose lives are inextricably linked with those of the human tribes that share their ice-bound world. It is considered a great feat for a battle-brother of the Space Wolves to hunt down a pack of these wolves when armed with nothing but his wits. If he should kill the alpha male of the pack, the rest of the wolves will instinctively treat him as their new pack leader. When the battle-brother returns successful to the Fang, he does so in the company of wolves.

Miniature Review

So I decided I just didn't have enough wolves yet, so to add the Thunderwolves I bought a box of Fenrisian Wolves. I really like the movement in the unit and was surprised by the height of them, they're a lot bigger than the old miniatures!

They're designed similarly to the Thunderwolves, just smaller and a lot skinnier. The only real detail beyond their fur is around the face so that'll be where it's worth spending most of the effort when painting.

Painting Techniques


Zandri Dust
Seraphim Sepia
Reikland Fleshshade
Agrax Earthshade
Karak Stone
Tyrant Skull
Bestigor Flesh
Longbeard Grey
Screaming Skull

Only apply the Reikland Fleshshade to the top darker parts, and the Agrax Earthshade within that. The Karak Stone is used to lightly highlight the darker areas, while the Tyrant Skull should only be used to highlight the lighter areas. The Bestigor Flesh was used to highlight the areas between light and dark to create a transition. The Longbeard Grey and Screaming Skull is used to highlight areas such as the ears and lightest parts of the fur.


Karak Stone
Agrax Earthshade
Ushabti Bone
Screaming Skull


Morghast Bone
Rakarth Flesh
Agrax Earthshade
Ushabti Bone
Screaming Skull

Alternatively use Zandri Dust, Reikland Fleshshade and Screaming Skull for a slightly different look.


Kantor Blue
Caledor Sky
Lothern Blue
White Scar

Nose & Claws

Corvus Black
Mechanicus Standard Grey
Administratum Grey


Cadian Fleshtone
Carroburg Crimson
Emperors Children
Agrax Earthshade
Screaming Skull


I cast some Fantascape Glacial Ruins bases using Instant Mold & Milliput, then glued some sand around the edges, applying a second layer of watered down PVA to help it stuck.


Karak Stone
Agrax Earthshade
Karak Stone
Ushabti Bone
Seraphim Sepia
Screaming Skull
Pallid Wych Flesh

The Seraphim Sepia was applied in patches to give a dirt stained look.


The Fang
Russ Grey
Fenrisian Grey
Etherium Blue


Mournfang Brown
Agrax Earthshade
Tallarn Sand
Zandri Dust

Base Edge

Rhinox Hide
Mournfang Brown

Finally, I applied some Mordheim Turf tufts and then a couple of layers of Deluxe's Scenic Snow.


These guys were super quick to paint, it's amazing what a difference not having edge highlighting makes. I think having the blue eyes really adds some contrast to them and draws your eye to the faces. I l;ike how the mouth and gums came out as well, asd I've struggled with getting the colour to look natural in the past.

Ok I think for now I've added enough wolves, maybe i should paint something a bit different next?
