Showcase: Swampboss Skumdrekk

Showcase: Swampboss Skumdrekk

Published 2024-06-07

Of all the Snatchabosses, Skumdrekk is the vilest and most kunnin'. As such, he has become a sort of celebrity to the Kruleboyz of Ghur. Owner of the Murkvast Menagerie - a huge, drained mangrove swamp that acts as prison for scores of vicious and unusual beasts - Swampboss Skumdrekk is a living legend. He rides into battle on his most prized conquest, Sloppklaw, the unusually fierce sludgeraker beast he turned to his will as a younger orruk.

Miniature Review

Skumdrekk is possibly the main reason I wanted to start collecting Kruleboyz. I really like the big monsters and the Sludgeraker has a really unique look, somewhere between a crocodile and a dinosaur.

The hanging robes look really good on the monster and helps it match well wit the rest of the army. The hanging cages are also great, I really need to add some spare miniatures into them in the future!

Painting Techniques

Sludgeraker Skin

Mournfang Brown
Deathclaw Brown
Tau Light Ochre
Nocturne Green
Vulkan Green
Castellan Green
Death World Forest
Straken Green
Elysian Green
Agrax Earthshade
Biel Tan Green
Elysian Green
Ogryn Camo

I airbrushed a number of browns and greens on to create a varying look to the skin. I then applied a wash to bring back the contrast, then used a few green colors to drybrush over everything to help bring everything together.


Gutrippa Flesh
Ork Flesh
Terradon Turquoise
Orruk Flesh
Ogryn Camo
Krieg Khaki
Screaming Skull
Kislev Flesh
Shyish Purple
Volupus Pink

Ork Flesh is applied 1:1 with Lahmian Medium. Terradon Turquoise is applied in recesses such as the eyes, mouth, hands etc. Ogryn Camo and Krieg Khaki were applied as a glaze. Kislev Flesh is applied as a glaze around the face and hands. Shyish Purple and Volupus Pink was mixed 1:1 and applied as a very thin wash and added to the recesses as a final shade.

Sybarite Green
Screaming Skull

Sybarite Green was added as a highlight to the lips, then mixed with Screaming Skull as a final highlight of the lips.


Evil Sunz Scarlet
Fire Dragon Bright


Screaming Skull
Corax White


Naggaroth Night
Xereus Purple
Genestealer Purple
Shyish Purple
Russ Grey

Shyish Purple was applied as a thinned glaze over the top to bring the brightness down. Russ Grey was used to highlight the threads.


Gore Grunta Fur
Snakebite Leather
Tallarn Sand
Corax White

Gore Grunta Fur and Snakebite Leather were applied 1:1. Tallarn Sand was mixed 1:1 with Corax White as a final highlight.


Cygor Brown
Basilicanum Grey
Gorthor Brown
Baneblade Brown
Corax White

Cygor Brown and Basilicanum Grey were applied 1:1. Baneblade Brown was mixed 1:1 with Corax White as a final highlight.


Space Wolves Grey
Basilicanum Grey
Fenrisian Grey
Corax White

Space Wolves Grey and Basilicanum Grey were applied 1:1, the shaded with pure Space Wolves Grey.


Black Templar
Stormvermin Fur
Krieg Khaki

Wyldwood and Black Templar were applied 1:1. Stormvermin Fur was mixed 2:1 with Krieg Khaki, then 1:1, then pure Krieg Khaki as a final highlight.


Flesh Tearers Red
Blood Angels Red
Wild Rider Red
Fire Dragon Bright
Lugganath Orange
Pallid Wych Flesh

Flesh Tearers Red and Blood Angels Red were applied 2:1.


Black Templar
Contrast Medium
Stormhost Silver

A wash of Wyldwood, Black Templar and Contrast Medium 1:1:2 was applied, then highlighted with Leadbelcher, then a 1:1 of Leadbelcher and Stormhost Silver.

For the weapon tips I added some rust and poison:

Ryza Rust
Warp Lightning
Nurgles Rot


Canoptek Alloy
Snakebite Leather
Contrast Medium
Canoptek Alloy
Stormhost Silver


The base was built with cork board, then Stirland Mud was used to fill in the gaps. I then painted it up with some greys and browns for the dirt and rock. Once painted a number of tufts were applied, then finished off with some water effects.

Gamers Grass

AK Interactive

Finally I painted the outside of the base:

Rhinox Hide


The skin maybe came out a bit brighter than I had wanted, but beyond that I think it came out great. I also finally got the dirty down rust working well.

It turns out most of the pigment had clumped at the bottom and needed a file to clear it off the bottom then a long time on the vortex mixer to really get it mixed fully together. After that rather than getting a gloss orange wash effect it really started looking like rust and dried even better.
