Showcase: Grey Knight Purifiers

Showcase: Grey Knight Purifiers

Published 2016-02-04

Finally! It's been a while since my last post, I've just got so tired of painting silver! However, I finally got round to completing this squad of Grey Knight Purifiers and am so glad they're out the way!

So two of these guys I finished months back, but for whatever reason I just never got round to completing the others. Once I finally got round to painting them up everything was going well, and I only had the force weapons left to do. Then Christmas hit. I was away for a few weeks and when I got back just the thought of the hours required for blending just kept putting me off doing anything week after week. I even spent a fair but of time researching airbrushes as it would make the job so much easier (note I need to buy one, I just need to find the space without making the walls blue).

Anyway here is the completed squad. As standard, I picked out the helms as white to mark them as purifiers. I like how the bases came out this time as well as the Nemesis Force Hammer leather grips. I'm still not fully sure about the hammer heads themselves, but it keeps the army consistent, so I'm happy.

As always I've posted more photos below and for the first time I've uploaded a video to YouTube that can be found here. If it's something that people will find useful I might look at getting into making tutorials or answering questions in the future. I did discuss anything about these guys in the video as honestly I didn't think there was much to say, I'm just glad I've finally got them out of the way. Now... to blow through the final parts of the army, then onto something new!
