Showcase: Gloomspite Gitz: Snotling Pump Wagon

Showcase: Gloomspite Gitz: Snotling Pump Wagon

Published 2025-03-07

A Snotling Pump Wagon is little more than a ramshackle wooden hut on wheels. It moves under the power provided by the frantic efforts of Snotlings, crushing and piercing any foes unfortunate enough to fall beneath it.

Miniature Review

This Snotling pump wagon is from 1987 and is one of the first miniatures I ever painted (I fondly remember the old blue capped Chestnut Wash paint). There's so much character on each of the snotlings faces, and I love the one dressed as a wizard flipping the bird. The pump wagon itself is a simple design, but it has some nice details such as the fungus and the faces on the pump.

Painting Techniques


Doombull Brown
Doombull Brown
Steel Legion Drab
Agrax Earthshade
Militarum Green
Biel Tan Green
Steel Legion Drab
Tallarn Sand


Warboss Green
Biel Tan Green
Orruk Flesh
Ogryn Camo
Skarsnik Green
Kislev Flesh


Evil Sunz Scarlet
Flash Gitz Yellow

Yellow Armour & Patterns

Ushabti Bone
Averland Sunset
Iyanden Yellow
Yriel Yellow
Flash Gitz Yellow
Phalanx Yellow


Black Legion
Thunderhawk Blue
Russ Grey
Fenrisian Grey


Doombull Brown
Agrax Earthshade
Skrag Brown
Zamesi Desert


Ushabti Bone
Aggaros Dunes
Ushabti Bone
Pallid Wych Flesh


Space Wolves Grey
Grey Knights Steel

In some cases I then used Dirty Down Rust.


Hashut Copper
Agrax Earthshade
Fulgurite Copper
Stormhost Silver

Painting Techniques (Mushrooms)


Ushabti Bone
Aggaros Dunes
Ushabti Bone
Pallid Wych Flesh


Phoenician Purple
Xereus Purple
Genestealer Purple
Dechala Lilac


Word Bearers Red
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Wild Rider Red
Kislev Flesh


Thousand Sons Blue
Ahriman Blue
Temple Guard Blue
Baharroth Blue


The cave is made from corkboard and the ground was covered in a texture paint. As with the squig I gave everything a shade with Nuln Oil to darken it right down, then highlighted it back up with Dawnstone and Mechanicus Grey.

I then applied a mix of flocks, rocks, tufts, flowers and leaves grouped below by company:

Games Workshop

Geek Gaming Scenics

Army Painter

Gamers Grass

AK Interactive

Finally I painted the outside of the base.

Gore Grunta Fur
Rhinox Hide


The wood is maybe a bit flat and didn't come out as realistic as I'd hoped, but I'm glad it's simple enough to not distract away from the snotlings themselves. I'm happy with the skin tones and the faces on each really stand out. I'm glad I painted some of the metal pieces yellow as it gives the piece more interest and ties some of the yellow on the snotlings together.
