Crudely fashioned by orruk shamans from rocks and battlefield debris, Rogue Idols are daubed with sigils and animated by Waaagh! energy. They are drawn inexorably to the biggest battles, storming out of the wilderness to clobber their foes.
Miniature Review
I've had this around a while, back when I bought a load of Forgeworld fantasy stuff up before they discontinued it all. I mainly bought it for its size, as I didn't really think it had much detail on it until looking at it now. It's covered in sculpted moss, dirt, icons, mushrooms, skulls and shields so far from a simple grey paint job.
I've had an orc and goblin army for over 30 years and although I love the sculpts they do look dated now so I don't think I'll ever include them as units in a main army. I have started to fit them into the army as base additions, like the old fanatics on my Mangler Squig bases. To help make the Rogue Idol look massive I've surrounded it with a few bases worth of 1980s Snotlings. I love all the faces and poses on these guys, they're a lot like Nurglings are now, and they give the final piece a lot more life and fun.
Painting Techniques
Icons & Shields
Mushrooms & Skulls
Snotling Skin
Snotling Teeth
Snotling Eyes
I applied a mix of flocks, rocks, tufts and flowers grouped below by company:
Geek Gaming Scenics
Army Painter
Gamers Grass
Finally I painted the outside of the base.
I made use of the airbrush a lot more for both the Idol and the Snotlings and it turned out to be a great time saver. A wash and a couple of quick drybrushes and it was looking mostly done. I ended up covering a lot of the moss with tufts, which I think gives it a lot more variation and added color. Painting the icons with a single contrast layer looks great as the stone shows through making it look natural.
The Snotlings also came out pretty great for only a few layers. I didn't want to spend too long on them as this was meant to be a quick piece and I'd already found far more detail to paint than I was expecting. They add so much to the miniature that it's easily now one of my favorite pieces.