Clad in filthy cloaks, Moonclan Grots infest dank caves and subterranean lands. Screaming reedy prayers to the Bad Moon, they raid the kingdoms of the free peoples and Chaos alike. The most tricksy (or just lucky) of the Moonclan Grots inevitably become Grot Warbosses, directing their armies towards the enemy.
As I've been adding more to my Gloomspite Gitz army I needed to clear out some space. This meant taking out my old Orc and Goblin army I partly painted over 20 years ago. However, rather than putting them in a box or selling them I decided to try and incorporate them into my new army. In upcoming posts you should start to spot some minis from the 80s and 90s added to bigger bases.
Miniature Review
This one however gets to stay as its own unit, as it remains one of my favourite miniatures of all time. Last year I painted the newer version of Skarsnik and Gobbla, and I've kept thinking about the original and how I never finished it because I didn't feel I was good enough at the time.

Now I've finally got to paint it and its great! I love the expressions on the pair of them, big wide grins. There's so much detail on them both.
Gobbla is covered in boils and has a number of stitches, including a zip which is perhaps best left unthought about. His teeth are great, both larger ones being broken but one having a cap. He even has a rat tail, not something I've spotted on any modern day squigs.
Skarsnik is covered in skulls and other goblin symbols, along with a number of rings, gems, dwarf beards and bags. His face is really highly detailed and his skin is covered in warts. His weapons are uniquely shaped and give him a lot of height, so as not to be dwarved by Gobbla.
As the new scult has a snotling included on the base, I decided to add one from the 1995 Lair of the Orc Lord box. I used to play a lot of Warhammer Quest so it's great to add as another memory.
Painting Techniques (Squig)
Squig Skin
All highlights are applied as a glaze. I also used a 50:50 mix of Wild Rider Red and Kislev Flesh between using the pure colors to help blend them.
Gums & Tail
Pink horror is applied first, then a 50:50 mix of Pink Horror and Kislev Flesh, then a final 50:50 mix of Pink Horror and Pallid Wych Flesh.
Teeth & Horns
Painting Techniques (Grots)
Volupus Pink is watered down and applied around the gums and face
Yellow Armour
The first contrast paint was applied the entire area, then the following contrast paints were applied to the outer edges. The final layer paint was used as a highlight.
First I added a couple of layers of corkboard to the base, then filled in the gaps and smoothed over areas with miliput. I then applied a layer of Stirland Battlemire over the base to give it some texture.
I then applied a mix of flocks, rocks, tufts, flowers and plants, grouped below by company:
Geek Gaming Scenics
Army Painter
Gamers Grass
AK Interactive
Finally I painted the outside of the base.
I really enjoyed painting these guys finally. Suprisingly I found them really easy to paint, although I didn't feel they were too simple at all as I would epect compared to the newer more complex miniatures. They look great mixed in with the rest of the army, and I'm looking forward to including more of the older grots elsewhere in the army!