Showcase: Space Hulk Objectives

Showcase: Space Hulk Objectives

Published 2024-07-19

Cyber-Altered Task units ("CATs") are mechanical drones designed to perform simple tasks, like inorganic servitors. Programmed with a set of very simple instructions, they are occasionally used by the Adeptus Mechanicus and some chapters of the Adeptus Astartes as remote probes and retrieval units. Though they do not possess any biological components, their extremely limited programming prevents them from being classified as examples of Abominable Intelligence.

Miniature Review

The Blood Angel Terminators in the Space Hulk box still look amazing today around 15 years after their release. Not only are the heroes well designed, but so are the objectives. The dead Blood Angel sat on the throne is still a stand out piece today and something I don't really remember seeing replicated since.

Painting Techniques


Mephiston Red
Macragge Blue
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Phalanx Yellow
White Scar

With an airbrush I started with a zenithal of black to white, followed by a full covering of Evil Sunz Scarlet.

I then added the shadows with Macragge Blue from below, followed by a highlight of Evil Sunz Scarlet from the top.

The final airbrush step was to mix Evil Sunz Scarlet with a small amount of Phalanx Yellow and White Scar to create a brighter orange-red as the final highlight.

Agrax Earthshade
Wild Rider Red
Troll Slayer Orange
Tau Light Ochre
Berserker Bloodshade
Troll Slayer Orange
Tau Light Ochre

Next I applied a thinned wash of Agrax Earthshade to the recesses.

To begin edge highlighting I started with Wild Rider Red, followed by Troll Slayer Orange. Next came a 2:1 mix of Troll Slayer Orange and Tau Light Ochre.

To help blend the highlight I applied a thin glaze of Berserker Bloodshade over the armour then finished by applying the same final highlight to the brightest areas.

Rhinox Hide

To finish off with some battle damage I sponged on some Rhinox Hide, then picked out inside the larger brown areas with Leadbelcher.


Retributor Armour
Agrax Earthshade
Druchii Violet
Retributor Armour
Grey Knights Steel


Agrax Earthshade
Nuln Oil
Iron Hands Steel
Grey Knights Steel


Agrax Earthshade
Nuln Oil
Administratum Grey


Caliban Green
Warpstone Glow
Agrax Earthshade
Warpstone Glow
Moot Green
White Scar

Black Metal & Wiring

Black Legion
Thunderhawk Blue
Russ Grey
Fenrisian Grey

Purity Seals

Screamer Pink
Agrax Earthshade
Pink Horror
Emperors Children
Fulgrim Pink


Naggaroth Night
Xereus Purple
Agrax Earthshade
Genestealer Purple
Kakophoni Purple
White Scar


Grey Seer
Corvus Black

Bone & Parchment

Rakarth Flesh
Agrax Earthshade
Rakarth Flesh
Pallid Wych Flesh
White Scar


Morghast Bone
Agrax Earthshade
Ushabti Bone
Screaming Skull
Pallid Wych Flesh


I bought a few sets of Zone Mortalis Scenic Bases and very closely followed the guide I found here

Abaddon Black
Castellax Bronze
Mournfang Brown

I used an airbrush to basecoat them black, followed by a fullcoat of bronze, then a few patches of brown.

Wild Rider Red
Fire Dragon Bright
Zandri Dust

I then stippled patches of red over the brown, then orange over that, then a small amount of Zandri Dust over that.

Averland Sunset
Yriel Yellow
Black Legion

For the hazard stripes I used the darker yellow as the basecoat, then a couple of layers of the brighter yellow before adding the black stripes.

Agrax Earthshade

Everything was given a silver drybrush, followed by a heavy wash to weather everything back down. I then applied some patches of Dirty Down Rust.

White Scar

For the glow coming from the vents I painted white roughly into the recesses then added a layer of Frostheart over the top, with the idea of any overspill looking like OSL.

Black Legion

I then applied some Forge World Dark Sand Weathering Powder around the feet to help tie the miniature to the base, then applied a couple of layers of black to the rim finish it off.


Overall I'm super happy with the result. I wanted to highlight the marine up nice and bright while still keeping him looking red rather than becoming too orange. I'm happy with the result and think I can use this technique for the other marines in the box.

The CAT fits in pretty nicely too, although maybe needs the red armour to be highlighted more to match.
