Showcase: Gorechosen Fexgore the Flayer

Showcase: Gorechosen Fexgore the Flayer

Published 2021-03-11

Swinging a spiked metal ball in devastating arcs, dragging unfortunate foes into its path with a massive, notched blade, this Slaughterpriest is so dedicated to the howling devotion to the Blood God that even his enemies begin to fall to blind, berserker rage – that is, as long as they are not boiled alive by the heat, rage and fury of the Slaughterpriest’s brutal attentions.

Having finally gotten around to painting Silver Tower after over 4 years I thought I'd start on the next. This time it's a much smaller box, but it's from the same year of 2016. It's not something I've really touched since it came out, but with only 5 miniatures to paint it seems like an easy project to tick off. It's also a great opportunity to try and improve my blood effects!

Miniature Review

I believe this miniature was actually a freebie with White Dwarf back when it was re-released as a monthly magazine, having moved to a weekly magazine for a couple of years previously. Gorechosen was the headline for the new magazine and even had rules and a space in the box for the miniature.

Fexgore is perhaps the largest miniature in the box. The Blades of Khorne range are all larger than life humans, but as a Slaughterpriest he looms above them all. There is another Slaughterpriest in the box, but without the helmet and with less armour in general he looks much slimmer in comparison.

There's some great detail on the skin and the Hackblade and Wrath-hammer are simply huge, but very much needed to keep everything in scale. Despite this for me it's maybe my least favorite in the box. I think the others have great poses or something about them that makes them feel unique. I feel like Fexgore just looks like an over-sized Chaos Warrior.

Painting Techniques

Metal (Bronze)

Retributor Armour
Agrax Earthshade
Castellax Bronze
Sycorax Bronze

Metal (Steel)

Nuln Oil
Runefang Steel
Necron Compound


Bugmans Glow
Cadian Fleshtone
Reikland Fleshshade
Agrax Earthshade
Carroburg Crimson
Cadian Fleshtone

Agrax Earthshade is thinned down and only applied to the deepest recesses. Carroburg Crimson is applied in the recesses around the eyes and nose.

Armour (Red)

Khorne Red
Mephiston Red
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Agrax Earthshade
Carroburg Crimson
Mephiston Red


Morghast Bone
Rakarth Flesh
Seraphim Sepia
Ushabti Bone
Screaming Skull

Leather (Brown)

Rhinox Hide
Doombull Brown
Mournfang Brown
Agrax Earthshade
Mournfang Brown
Steel Legion Drab

Leather (Black)

Corvus Black
Mechanicus Standard Grey
Grey Seer


Morghast Bone
Rakarth Flesh
Agrax Earthshade
Ushabti Bone
Screaming Skull


Blood For The Blood God

When painting the blood, I started by applying it as thinly to start with over as large an area. This then allowed me to apply several layers in certain areas with varying thicknesses. As the paint is semi-translucent, you can build up some great effects with heavier levels of gore.

I found you needed to apply the paint quite thickly over metallic paints, as otherwise you can end up with a sparkly red sword. You also want to apply it after your varnish, as it ruins the gloss look and can also ruin the layers.


After gluing the miniature to the base I mixed sand with glue and applied it around their feet. Normally I apply the glue first, then sprinkle the sand on top, but this way I found you get much fresher mud look. I then base-coated it with Rhinox Hide, then applied highlights of Mournfang Brown and Steel Legion Drab, then a wash of Agrax Earthshade.

Afterwards I applied some Citadel Scorched Grass in patches as well as some Leaf Litter by Green Stuff World and gave them and the grass a final wash of Agrax Earthshade.


I definitely learnt a lot using Blood For The Blood God on a larger scale on the miniature. It's difficult to get the right balance, as you can lose a lot of detail if you go overboard, but you can get a weird effect if you apply it too thinly, especially on metals.

I was tempted to add a lot more splattered gore, but due to the size of the weapons I felt like I'd already overdone it, so I'll save that for another.
