Showcase: Dreadfleet Grimnir's Thunder

Showcase: Dreadfleet Grimnir's Thunder

Published 2021-07-30

The Thunder holds not only hundreds of Dwarf Engineers, but also tight-knit Ironbreaker boarding parties, warbands of Trollslayers hungry to meet a glorious death in the jaws of titanic sea monsters, and an entire war dirigible dock able to send lighter-than-air reconnaissance engines into the skies. The self-loading, pump-action cannons of the Thunder bear magical runes of destruction upon their barrels, and its metre thick gromril-plated hull is so durable that even an iceberg cannot breach it.

Miniature Review

Grimnir's Thunder is an impregnable floating fortress and aircraft carrier, built from heavy plated silversteel. There's a lot of dwarven engineering gone into the steam-driven paddles in their armoured shells to self-loading, swivel-mounted Flame Cannons and industrial-sized engines.

The dirigibles grant unparalleled scouting capability, required due to the slow speed of the battleship to ensure maximum destruction can be achieved, regardless of wind or tide to sate their Dwarf-held grudge.

The design of the Grimnir's Thunder is fairly simple, but very ornate and a couple of points of interest with the dirigibles and beer barrel. There are also plenty of cannons visible, as well as some dwarven iconography.


Painting Techniques


Nuln Oil
Runefang Steel
Necron Compound


Retributor Armour
Agrax Earthshade
Retributor Armour
Liberator Gold

Green Plates

Caliban Green
Waaagh Flesh
Agrax Earthshade
Waaagh Flesh
Warpstone Glow
Warboss Green


Corax White
Agrax Earthshade
Grey Seer
Corax White


Dryad Bark
Rhinox Hide
Nuln Oil
Steel Legion Drab



Kantor Blue
Caledor Sky
Teclis Blue
Ahriman Blue
Biel Tan Green
Drakenhof Nightshade
Ahriman Blue
Lothern Blue
Etherium Blue
Corax White


Nuln Oil
Agrax Earthshade
Runefang Steel
Necron Compound


Retributor Armour
Agrax Earthshade
Retributor Armour
Liberator Gold


Grimnir's Thunder was fairly simple to paint in terms of colours as it uses a limited palette, but the colours are spread out nicely, so it's not boring to look at. I also used the shades on the armour in a bit more of a patchy manor to help break up the flat panels.

The green really felt like it brought the whole thing to life, adding some brightness and colour to the miniature with the mottled effect helping it tie in with the ornate effect.

The dirigibles were painted with the same colours, as well as a dirty white for the fabric of the balloon to add a bit more brightness to the pair.
