Showcase: Dreadfleet Flaming Scimitar

Showcase: Dreadfleet Flaming Scimitar

Published 2021-08-21

The Scimitar's hull is trimmed in gold and precious stones, and its lower decks are complete with an extensive harem, libraries of occult tomes, a fountain of healing water and - as the less savoury rumours have it -legions of captive warriors that languish in its bilges. It skims across the seas of the world powered by sails made from acres of folded silk, each one a work of art blessed with spells of protection that keep it safe from the fiercest storms. Despite its lavish and regal appearance, Flaming Scimitar is a warship capable of tremendous feats of violence.

Miniature Review

The Scimitar's deck is filled with ornate bronze cannons hidden behind keyhole windows, but its real weapon is the Golden Magus himself. He has bound many elemental spirits that he can command in battle, setting his enemies aflame with Fire Efreets, or filling his sails with the roaring breath of Tempest Djinns.

The exotic nature of the minarets really help to set it apart from the other warships of the fleet, each housing one of the great elementals, giving it interest similarly to the Seadrake. The designs of the sails themselves echo the elementals and give the chance for some additional colour.


Painting Techniques


Phoenician Purple
Xereus Purple
Agrax Earthshade
Xereus Purple
Genestealer Purple


Morghast Bone
Rakarth Flesh
Agrax Earthshade
Ushabti Bone
Screaming Skull


Morghast Bone
Rakarth Flesh
Seraphim Sepia
Ushabti Bone
Screaming Skull


Retributor Armour
Agrax Earthshade
Retributor Armour
Liberator Gold


Khorne Red
Mephiston Red
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Wild Rider Red
Squig Orange
Troll Slayer Orange
Fire Dragon Bright
Averland Sunset
Yriel Yellow
Dorn Yellow
Corax White


Corax White
Nuln Oil
Grey Seer
Corax White


Caledor Sky
Teclis Blue
Lothern Blue
Etherium Blue
Corax White


Abaddon Black
Eshin Grey
Administratum Grey
Corax White



Kantor Blue
Caledor Sky
Teclis Blue
Ahriman Blue
Biel Tan Green
Drakenhof Nightshade
Ahriman Blue
Lothern Blue
Etherium Blue
Corax White


I ended up painting the purple on the Scimitar in a very similar way to one of the ships that make up the Bloody Reaver. In contrast to the Seadrake I went with a bright, highly polished gold to create regal effect that I'd expect from a Magus.

I decided to paint the fire elemental using the same colours as the lava on one of the islands, meaning to reverse the colours but still ending up with the same effect. I noticed too late and couldn't be bothered to fix it, I'll 100% remember for the future now!

As always I painted the cog with the same colours and painted a freehand flaming scimitar onto the sail which I'm mostly happy with considering how small it is.
